torsdag den 21. august 2014

Viana to Ventosa. 21.08 -29,1 kms

Today was better than yesterday. Both my legs and my head were better. The weather had also improved which is always a mood saver. When I arrived at my hostel I was actually surprised to find out that I nearly walked 30 kms today. And I swear, no bus today. ;-)

The sky was beautiful when the sun woke up. As always hard to capture. The colours were quite amazing.

Already at 8.30 it was clear that it was gonna be a warmer day than yesterday.

A safer way to cross the road. Good for safety. Bad for sore legs. ;-)

Bye bye Navarra. Hello La Rioja. And cheers I feel like saying.

Grapes and mountain. All over.

Logroño was the next place and I found the arrows really cute.

Logroño was quite nice. And it was actually nice to be in a bigger city for a change.

And obviously I found a supermarket. My day was made already.

Must be some very expensive canned goods!

I love meat and am a big fan of jamon but even I find this a little too much. I am not naive and I know meat comes from animals but it could be presented a little nicer and maybe in some smaller cuts.

I found a nice park in Logroño and spent some time watching people.

I also had some of the pictured food.

I passed Navarette along the way. Yet another hilly village.

And then I saw the sign for Burgos for the first time. Yay. I am about 107 kms away from Burgos so I think I will reach the city in 4 days. That's a day earlier than planned.

Not surprisingly this was my view all day. 

My goal for today was Ventosa. Getting there I had to walk next to a high way for around 1,5 km. I guess all that healthy mountain air in my lungs were replaced today.

City centre of Ventosa. It is easy to get lost if one doesn't pay attention. ;-)

View from the highest point which is the church.

Tonight I am staying at Albergue Sansaturnino. A bed is €10. 

The room is okay. Not too cramped at the bed is quite comfortable.

The outdoor surroundings are very nice. There is a small water fountain in the corner of the garden.

The albergue also holds the only shop of the city. It is probably the smallest place I have seen. ;-)

For the first time since my arrival I have actually socialised with people today. I have talked to an American girl called Ashley and a Canadian called Amanada. And then I have met the fifth Dane since my arrival. Not bad when I didn't meet a single one last year when I was here. We are still outnumbered by the Germans though. Big time.

Not too many words today. Mainly because I haven't got that much to tell but also because I spenty time being social instead of contemplating. It is good to have alone time but being around nice people is also valuable.

Sleep tight. I know I will.

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